

On the following pages you will find information material:


This is the main page for information about osmium with all important details about market, application and features. It also contains a list of certified retailers. The non-certified retailers are not listed.



The current osmium price can be found here. From Switzerland, it is reissued every day.



The Osmium-Institute is the official body for the certification and marketing of osmium. Here each piece is provided with a photo certificate before it is delivered.

Since crystalline osmium cannot be marketed in any other way, its exclusivity makes it particularly secure for customers and selling partners.



On the onboarding page you can log in to become a tipster or receive the status of a trading partner.



On Osmium-Sales the trading conditions and earning opportunities are described.


www.osmium-training.com, www.osmium-academy.com

On the page Osmium-Training you get a short overview of the provided online trainings and the face-to-face events. On the university side the contents and courses as well as the exams are placed.



For jewellers there is special information on the processing of osmium. Every jeweller should be a trading partner and be certified to trade osmium and confirm authenticity to end customers. More and more jewellers are processing osmium because it can be easily combined with metals such as gold, silver, platinum, ruthenium and titanium. In each case, importance is attached to ensuring that the osmium retains its shape in order to remain an investment metal at the same time.



Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium GmbH

Kemmelallee 6
82418 Murnau am Staffelsee

Phone: +49 89 744 88 88 88

© 2025
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