For every country in the world the Osmium Institute needs a partner for the introduction and certification of osmium, who takes over the task of importing the osmium into his country and transporting it to trading partners, jewellers and customers in close coordination with the Institute.
Furthermore, the partner receives the certifications from Germany and passes them on to the respective owners of osmium if an authenticity check is to be carried out.
If goods are produced by cutting bars in the country or if Starrows are broken into segments, the osmium is scanned in the country by the state institute partner and the certificate is provided together with the German institute, i.e. the Osmium Identification Code.
The institute partner participates in all sales in its own country and also earns money from sales initiated in its own country but processed by another institute partner in another country.
It is particularly important to us that the partner carries out the high-quality and reputable business in his country with the same sense of responsibility as it is appropriate for the metal and his market.
The Institute's partner is also responsible for expanding the sales and trading channels in its own country.
Applications can be submitted at or via the institute hotline +49 (89) 7 44 88 88 - 88.
We are pleased about new partners, in order to have filled the gaps on the international osmium card quickly.
Why are we looking for institute partners?
Osmium is an unforgeable metal. The authenticity can be easily proved and, in addition, every single piece of Osmium matches to its photographic certificate.
To offer this service not only in Germany but worldwide, we need partners who are able to author certificates with us in every country. The real authentication progress will still take place in Germany (by using the photos of every Osmiums “crystallized fingerprint”) while our partners need to issue the document and send it on its way.
Osmium certification in Germany is exclusively handled by the “Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung für Osmium”. To prevent misuse there will be only one partner in each country having the same duties and rights as in Germany.
With the status of an institute partner comes the privilege to earn money in every sale made in this country. With the growing market and the trade starting now, this business is extremely lucrative and is mainly for our excusive partners.

Which exclusivity is granted?
The state institute partner is exclusive in its country. Only he is entitled to market crystalline osmium locally in his country.
The partner cannot be handled. He enjoys the certainty that osmium can currently only be crystallized internationally by a single company.
The crystallization process is so complex and technically demanding that no competition is to be feared within the next decades. More detailed information can be found in the training courses and on the Osmium Hotline.
The state institute partner receives training on all the tasks he has to perform in the country. He receives full support from the German institute.

Conditions for obtaining the status of an institute partner
There are some requirements a possible partner has to fulfill to become an Institute-partner.
1.) Owning a business
2.) Experience with international markets
3.) Having a team to establish business relations in his/her country
4.) At least one employee speaking good German or English
5.) Responsible handling with the exclusivity in his/her country
6.) Purchase of Osmium
7.) Possibility to store Osmium safely as goods of commission
8.) Theft-insurance
If you meet these requirements or will do so in the future, please apply and talk to us about your future in the osmium segment.
Hotline: +49 (89) 744 88 88 - 88

Income and performance
Each institute partner receives a processing share in the form of an overright on the total turnover in his country.
In addition, the institute partner receives a wholesale discount, which he is granted for every purchase.
His task is the dispatch work and support of the partners in the country in case of queries and when ordering special products as well as the support of dealers and customers.
The partner must own or set up a company in the country which includes the name Osmium-Institute, the country name and in the national language "to introduce and certify osmium".
The marketing of crystalline osmium in his country is then handled solely through him.
He receives an extended training in osmium. We wish to maintain a long-term partnership in each country of the world to support the distribution of osmium with regional partners.

Referrer for an institute partner
Persons or institutions who find a State-Institute-Partner will receive a bonus for their efforts.
This bonus will be received as long as the State-Institute-Partner is active and as long the following terms still apply:
1) In the first year the intermediary will receive 1% of the countries turnover without any restriction.
2) If a fixed turnover, which is prescribed separately for each country, is achieved, the intermediary will receive 1% of the country's turnover for a second year.
3) If a second turnover limit is reached in the second year, he will retain the percentage for life.
The turnover percent for mediating will lapse when the State-Institute-Partner resigns or, violating his obligations, is being terminated and therefore no more turnover will be generated.